Pointing 123-reg hosted domain to GitHub pages

After building this blog statically and pushing it up to GitHub as a project page, I then wanted to point my domain at it.

My intention is to point the www subdomain of spiraltechnology.co.uk at my static website hosted by GitHub at http://davidtron.github.io

  1. In the root of my website create a file called CNAME and put the name of my subdomain in it www.spiraltechnology.co.uk. Since my site is generated by wintersmith, I needed to drop the file into the contents directory before generating the site. This is then generated by wintersmith into my deployment directory and pushed to my GitHub userpage repository

    cd ~/dev/spiraltechnology-website
    wintersmith build
    cd ~/dev/spiraltechnology-website-deploy
    git add CNAME
    git commit -a -m "Adding the CNAME for custom domain"
    git push origin master
  2. The next step is to configure my DNS so that any requests for www.spiraltechnology.co.uk point to my GitHub user page. The help pages at GitHub suggest that this is done using a CNAME entry at your domain provider. My domain is hosted with 123-reg and it’s relatively straightforward to update DNS entries for domains you own. Log on to 123 and you will be presented with your control panel

    123 reg control panel

    Find the domain you want to manage from the drop down and select ‘Manage’

    123 domain controls

    Under the Advance domain settings, select ‘Manage DNS

    Finally add an entry for www as a CNAME pointing to the GitHub userpage (davidtron.github.io)